Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday Night Open Thread

UPDATE 7:35 p.m.: Big news out of the Yankees blogging and beat writer world. Peter Abraham will be leaving The Journal News and heading up to Boston to work for The Globe covering the Red Sox. He will also have a Red Sox blog at The Globe as well. Pete's blog is the best out there, so this is a huge loss for us fans and bloggers.

He'll be closer to his family which, as he stated on his blog, is very important to him. Plus, The Globe is a lot bigger than the The Journal News, so he's obviously moving up the totem pole.

Congrats, and good luck with the move, Pete! And I wish you

With tonight being an off-day here's a open thread for you guys.

Here's a couples videos you might be interested in. The first was sent to my inbox yesterday from Youtube's JRSportBrief, and it's about the media's coverage of Jeter breaking the hits record. The second is a clip of Cervelli's walk-off from inside the stadium The hit happens at 2:22, and make sure you lower your volume.

Before the videos, here's some news on the Save Gate 2 project via River Ave. Blues. They're disputing recent claims that the cost of the project would be $10 million, they say it will be more like $1 million. Monday, the project's organizers will be meeting with the Bronx Borough President, and other local politicians to try and drum up support.

Besides the videos and Save Gate 2, you can discuss anything you want.


Anonymous said...

I was there last night. It was my first walkoff. What a great night.

Greg Cohen said...

That's great. Walk-off wins are a lot of fun.

By the way, I just made myself a ham and egg burger for dinner and it was awesome. I strongly suggest it.

One patty, three slices of ham, and one egg over easy. It's not good for your heart, but it tasted damn good. You could add bacon or cheese, but I think that would just be overkill.

Brian Danuff said...

Nice greg! Also, I just joined Facebook and sent you a friend request.

Greg Cohen said...

Cool, YB. Added.

Yo, did you hear about PeteAbe?

He's moving to the Boston Globe and will be covering the Red Sox.

Brian Danuff said...

Oh my god. You serious?

Brian Danuff said...

Man, I can't believe it. I just read his post on the lohud blog. Good luck to him.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Pete Abe I almost wanna read his blog to see his fat hypocritical ass make cracks at Yankee fans.

You should apply for the job Greg get some imagination in there.

Greg Cohen said...

Thanks anon, but I don't think they'd want anything to do with me. I've never written for anything but this blog.

Losing Pete's blog just means all of us have to work that much harder. He really ran a great blog.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with what the guy said about Jeter. The coverage during those last few weeks was unbearable. I love the guy, but we already knew how great he was. We didn't need to be told another 1000 times.

Bill Ding said...

On Pete Abraham, Oh well. I always had a preference toward River Ave Blues.

Anonymous said...

I guess his blog was okay but I wont miss the Springsteen bs the patriots bs or the fact that he bitched anytime somebody challenged his opinion. Good riddens.

Brian Danuff said...

But Greg, you do run a pretty neat blog over here, just saying...maybe you should at least apply for it.

Greg Cohen said...

They want someone with credentials, and I, sadly, have none. For now I'd just like some of his readers,

Thanks, though.

Meanwhile in Boston... The Sox just took a 3-1 lead over the Angels in the fourth.

Greg Cohen said...

3-2 now and the Angels are threatening...

Brian Danuff said...

I sent Pete an email about an hour ago regarding his big news and to congratulate him and he replied:

"Thanks very much for saying that, I appreciate it."

"Enjoy the rest of the season, the Yankees will be fun to watch."

He's awesome for replying so quickly.

Greg Cohen said...

Yea he always is quick to respond to an email, which for someone as busy as he is is great.

Brian Danuff said...


I'll defenitely visit his Red Sox blog every now and then, how a bout you?

bruceb said...

I only bother to read two Yankees blogs...Sliding Into Home and the LoHud Yankees blog. They are both informative and extremely entertaining, especially the comments section! As a former sports journalist from the other side of the pond, I appreciate the job both you guys do. I'm sure it's even more demanding for you, Greg, as I take it you are first and foremost a fan rather than a journalist? Anyway, I totally agree that Peter will be a big loss to Yankees fans and I wish him well, even though he will now be working for our arch-rivals. To both you and Peter's successor, keep up the good work. Us diehard Yanks fans appreciate it.

Greg Cohen said...

Yea I'll check it out, YB.

Thanks Bruce.

Bill Ding said...

But yeah. Those LoHud readers are going to need somewhere to go. I hope they come here. This truly is one of the most underrated blogs out there.

Greg Cohen said...

Thanks Bryan.

Greg Cohen said...

Hahahahaha, where's Jack?

He talks about Posada all the time, well his boy, Jason Varitek just allowed a passed ball to cost his team the lead. It should have been strike three and three out, but instead the tying run scores and the Angels are still batting.

bruceb said...

We could really do with the Sox losing one tonight because I can't see either the Orioles or Royals stopping them in their current form. I'll be happy with 3-3 on our West Coast trip, which would mean our final series with Boston could yet decide the destiny of the AL East pennant.

Greg Cohen said...

Yea Bruce, I'm rooting for the Angels tonight.

Anonymous said...

Yo Greg where has Mike been? He hasn't posted in a while now.

Greg Cohen said...

I honestly have no idea. I haven't heard from him either. I hope he's OK.

Anonymous said...

That's odd.

Anonymous said...


Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...

4-3 Angels!

Maybe they can hold the lead this time.

bruceb said...

Doubt it but here's hoping!

Greg Cohen said...

Sox lose, magic number down to 10.

bruceb said...

Should be a fairly generous strike zone for the Angels pitchers after last night's shenanigans.

bruceb said...

Wow. It's over?

Brian Danuff said...


crossfire said...

Angels win.

Lead back up to 7 games!

JP said...

Nomaas wont have to call out PeteAbe anymore when hes wrong, cause he'll always be wrong when reporting for the Sox!

I wish him the best, I hope the LHYB doesn't go to hell, he did an amazing job with it.

Anonymous said...

jesus christ I just picture a Abraham and Gammons love fest of the sox on ESPN next season, Im gunna hurl.

-not jack.