Notice the marks all over the side of Cabrera's head in the picture?Miguel Cabrera had a blood-alcohol level more than three times the legal limit when he was involved in a physical altercation with his wife early Saturday morning, according to the Birmingham Police.
Cabrera had been partying with buddies from the Chicago White Sox after Friday night's game at Birmingham's Townsend Hotel, Birmingham Police Chief Richard Patterson said.
But when he got home, his wife wasn't happy he'd been out drinking so late, Patterson said. Roseangel Cabrera called 911 at 6:05 a.m. to report the two were fighting, according to reports.
"He was out late, came home and his spouse didn't appreciate that, I guess and it got into an argument," Patterson said. Police took Cabrera to the police station for questioning, including help from a Michigan State Police interpreter.
According to the police report, Cabrera's wife, whose name is listed as Rosangel, was upset when the ballplayer woke up the couple's 4-year-old daughter and was talking on the phone when he came home. Investigators noticed his wife had an injury to her lower lip; they noted the injury to the left side of Cabrera's face.
Police found a damaged cell phone, and the gold chain Cabrera wears around his neck was broken, too. But when officers asked the couple what happened, neither would explain how they were injured, according to the report.
His blood alcohol level was at .26, which is pretty damn drunk. And not only was he out partying with the opposition during the biggest series of the year, and fighting with his wife afterward, but he also went 0-for-11 with two strikeouts over the weekend. Being that the report says "neither would expain how they were injured" you have to assume he also hit her. Hopefully he got the worst of it. Stay classy, Miguel.