Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Long Not a Fan of Cano Taking Part in the Derby

From Mark Feinsand:
"I would prefer he's not involved in it, but that's not my decision," Kevin Long said. "History suggests that guys that do the home run hitting contest get fatigued and exhausted from the process. I'm happy for the fact that he's maybe getting the opportunity, but in the same breath we have to be careful in how he goes about this."


"When you're trying to hit the ball far and long," Long said, "you're putting everything you have into your swing."
"If anybody could overcome this and it not wear them down, this guy's a horse," Long said. "He plays every day, every inning; he might be the one guy I could say he could get through this with flying colors and be okay. But again, it's tough not to go to the history part of it and say what's happened to this guy, this guy, this guy and this guy and think it wouldn't happen to Cano."
Joe Girardi also isn't too pleased:
"I think it's a lot of swings for a player; physically, I think it's somewhat of a grind, but it's an honor to be involved," Girardi said. "The biggest thing is that we keep Robinson Cano healthy and strong the whole year. If that in any way would fatigue him, then I would prefer that he didn't get fatigued."
Here's Cano's take:
"I'm just going to go out there and have fun, always have it in my mind that it's Yankees first before anything else," Cano said. "I'll go out there like I swing in BP, a regular swing, not try to do too much and mess up my swing."
I'm not too concerned about Cano's swing. Hopefully he does what he says, and just goes out there and has fun. The more seriously he takes this the worse it could be. Are you concerned?