Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A-Rod and Braden Smooth Things Over

From Kevin Kernan:
Braden and A-Rod have gone from having a mound of trouble between them to being respectful opponents, fraternity brothers as Braden noted.

Braden got the ball rolling when he packed up gifts for Rodriguez on Monday. He explained yesterday outside the Yankees clubhouse, "I gave him a perfect game ball and a perfect game poster."

He also added a "Get Off My Mound T-shirt" to the package of goodies. He had some fun with the poster. Braden, who has a great sense of humor, wrote: "Alex, here's the poster you requested, it's going to look great above your mantle."

Rodriguez said he was "very impressed," with how Braden handled things and that things with he and Braden are "all good."

Rodriguez autographed 10 "Get Off My Mound" T-shirts that will be auctioned off for charity.

"I'm glad we were able to do this," Braden said.

Good, this whole story was stupid from the start and I'm glad that at least something good came out of it. (Talking about the money that will go to charity, not those stupid shirts.)