Monday, October 12, 2009

One Roster Move To Make

With the Yankees facing the Angels in the ALCS, the question of rosters changes becomes an important one. Here's the change I'd make: I'd take Damaso Marte off the roster. Not only did he prove to be useless, but the Angels lineup is full of right-handed hitters so there is really no need for two lefties in the bullpen.

I would then add Freddy Guzman to the roster in his place. This not only gives Joe Girardi another running threat off the bench if he still wants to start Melky Cabrera. Or, he now can start Brett Gardner in center since Melky was invisible in the ALDS (2-for-12 with 5 K's), and still have the speed he wants coming off the bench. This gives Girardi more options offensively and against a team like the Angels he could use it.

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